Underfloor Heating Spreader Plates

Underfloor Heating Spreader  (Heat Emission) Plates are also known as diffuses plates. Made from 0.5mm thick brushed aluminium sheet, spreader plates are designed to carry the underfloor heating pipe and help create a uniform heat distribution under a suspended timber or battened floors.

The UFH pipes are fitted into special pre-formed channels or grooves which are designed to retain the underfloor heating pipe after insertion. The UFH Spreader Plate sits directly on the top of the floor joists or battens with no increase on floor height. Spreader plates are the most commonly used for underfloor heating installations on suspended floors without having to consider any additional loading to the floor joists.

The standard 2 groove aluminium UFH spreader plates are designed for use with floor joists at UK Standard of 400 mm centres, using nails, screws or staples. The underfloor heating pipe work is usually fitted from above.

The underfloor heating spreader plates should cover approximately 80 percent of the floor with the aluminium UFH plates.

Notch the end of the joists about 150 mm from the wall; this will carry the UFH pipe coming into the room and the pipework turning into the next joist followed by a 250 mm gap at the end of the UFH spreader plate to allow for the return bend of the pipe. See drawing below (Maximum pipe loop length of 120m using 16mm pipes). There should be a space between each plate of 100-150mm.

Aluminium Plate Layout

It is also important that the underfloor heating spreader plate is in good contact with the underside of the floor boards as this will then allow the heat to transfer through the floor up into the room with maximum efficiency. Floors can also be counter battened raising the floor by the height of the battens.

Under the  spreader plates insulation must be fitted to prevent downward heat loss with a minimum of 100 mm mineral wool / fibre glass insulation, but preferably using pre-grooved insulation boards or alternatively solid insulation fitted tightly to the underside of the groove between the floor joists. Battens should be fitted to the joist to eliminate any risk of the insulation falling away from the underside of the UFH plates.

We are able to manufacture plates to suit your requirements should you have joists not to UK standard (400 mm centres) or should you require pipe closer than the standard 200 mm centres (such as triple and quad underfloor heating spreader plates). On standard 1000 x 390 mm double groove plates at 200 mm pipe centres, using typical flow temperature of between 50-60°C, you can expect an approximate heat output of 77w/m² .

** ** The exact heat output can only be determined with the finished floor covering that is used.

Before carrying out any joist notching please consult building regulations to ensure compliance or the building inspector.

All our UFH Aluminium / Underfloor Heating Spreader Plates are made here in the UK, with each UFH Spreader plate comprised of 0.5mm thick, high quality aluminium.

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